Ms teams for vdi - ms teams for vdi.Teams for Virtualized Desktop Infrastructure
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Delivering a Good Microsoft Teams Experience in VDI.Teams for Virtualized Desktop Infrastructure - Microsoft Teams | Microsoft Docs
Sorry this didn't help. Thanks for your feedback. Choose where you want to search below Search Search the Community. Search the community and support articles Microsoft Teams Teams for business Search Community member. Andrew GL. Craig Weiss Enthusiast 6 Members 3 posts. Posted July 29, Share this post Link to post. Recommended Posts. Mark this reply as best answer, if it answered your question.
Upvote if you found this answer helpful or interesting. Posted July 30, Rob Zylowski 1, Rob Zylowski Master 1, Citrix Employees 1, posts. That makes sense. Nick Panaccio Nick Panaccio Aficionado Members posts. Features are in continuous development and are added on a regular basis, and functionality will expand over time.
Using Teams in a virtualized environment might be somewhat different from using Teams in a non-virtualized environment. For example, some advanced features might not be available in a virtualized environment, and video resolution might differ.
The Teams desktop app was validated with leading virtualization solution providers. With multiple market providers, we recommend that you consult your virtualization solution provider to ensure that you meet the minimum requirements.
Review the information in this section to ensure that you meet all requirements for proper functionality. You can download the latest version of Citrix Virtual Apps and Desktops at the Citrix downloads site. You'll need to sign in first.
For the latest server and client requirements, see the Optimization for Microsoft Teams article on the Citrix website. VMware Horizon is a modern platform for secure delivery of virtual desktops and apps across the hybrid cloud. To offer a great end-user experience, VMware Horizon provides media optimization for Teams. This optimization improves overall productivity across virtual desktops and apps, and enhances user experience when calling and meeting using Teams. The required media optimization components are part of the Horizon Agent and Horizon Client by default and there's no need to install any additional plug-in to use the optimization feature for Teams.
To get the latest requirements and instructions on how to configure media optimization for Teams, see the Configuring Media Optimization for Microsoft Teams article on the VMware website. Deciding on which approach to use depends on whether you use a persistent or non-persistent setup and the associated functionality needs of your organization.
For a dedicated persistent setup, both per-machine and per-user installation will work. However, for a non-persistent setup, Teams requires a per-machine installation in order to work efficiently. See the Non-persistent setup section. With per-machine installation, automatic updates are disabled. This means that to update the Teams app, you must uninstall the current version to update to a newer version. With per-user installation, automatic updates are enabled.
Keep the Teams desktop app in your VDI environment up to date. Teams desktop app versions with release dates that are more than 90 days older than the current version's release date aren't supported.
Unsupported Teams desktop app versions show a blocking page to users and request that they update their app. For most VDI deployments, we recommend you deploy Teams using per-machine installation. To update to the latest Teams version, start with the uninstall procedure followed by latest Teams version deployment.
For Teams AV optimization in VDI environments to work properly, the thin-client device must have access to the internet. If internet access isn't available at the thin-client device, optimization startup won't be successful.
This means that the user is in a non-optimized media state. In a dedicated persistent setup, users' local operating system changes are retained after users log off. For persistent setup, Teams supports both per-user and per-machine installation. Microsoft Edge Insider. Microsoft FastTrack. Microsoft Viva. Core Infrastructure and Security. Education Sector. Microsoft PnP. AI and Machine Learning. Microsoft Mechanics. Healthcare and Life Sciences. Small and Medium Business.
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